The Tree of Bro - New Training Program

The Tree of Bro - New Training Program

I've probably done every kind of split imaginable. From upper/lower, full body, bro splits, PPL's and more specialized programs. But the last 12 weeks, i've been trying a split that has not only fun as hell, but I'm seeing some good progression and recovery. Its not something I came up with, but have definitely made it my own with different phases, sets and reps and such. With that said, let me introduce you to The Tree Of Bro.

What is The Tree of Bro?

The cool thing about this program is it is a different kind of split that like a tree, you have the base/trunk (chest/back/delt) and limbs (arms and legs). At first I wasn't sure about the setup, but it has been a great change of pace and structured volume to build upper body to higher sets and legs at 2 sets of reps (due to my leg issue). I find the leg days, that even though challenging help with fatigue as not to hinder other training days, and I'm taking two full days off at the end of the week. My plan is to run this for a while longer and see how far I can take the progression.

The Program:

As stated above, the premise of tis training is the base or trunk, and the limbs. I'm doing the trunk 3 x per week and he limbs 2 x per week. Below is the days and exercise # per body part.

Day 1 - Chest (2), Delts (2) and Back (1)

Day 2 - Arms (1 of each) and legs (1 quad, 1 hamstring)

Day 3 - Back (2), Chest (2) and Delt (1)

Day 4 - Legs (1 hamstring the 1 quad) and Arms (1 of each) 

Day 5 - Delts (2), Back (2) and chest (1)

Another cool thing about this is I'm finishing this 12 weeks, taking a small week de-load, and the run it another 12 weeks. The only difference is i'll switch a couple exercises out to se how it feels (example take out wide pullups and chins and swap with wide grip lat pulldown and underhand pulldown).

So if your feeling froggy, give something like a go!


See you in the gym!


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